Bad back baby???.......

   Big news, I am pregnant and very exited! We have been talking about starting a family for a while now an thought it was about time to start. I'll  say that so far, being an expectant mother has been "interesting" for a lack of better words. I am adjusting to people staring at me with that look that says "I want to say something nice but I'm not sure if she has let herself go or if she is pregnant".  As every part of me is expanding I don't blame them, and it is my own fault for not posting it on Facebook like every one else. 

   The hardest part for me is where do I bring this up in conversation? So naturally I very bluntly blurt out "By the way I'm pregnant"  and hope its not really odd timing.  It's more for my personal vanity and pride that I can't help myself-I mean, I don't want friends guessing if I am gaining weight or am actually pregnant. 

   I was horribly sick for the first three months, I am sorry to anyone who spoke with me at that time. I was trying to keep a semblance of my humanity but I was not in the best of moods and was always starving!! As we all know a starving woman is never fun to be around. Now I have got it down to being sick once in the morning and then I am off to my day. My husband congratulated me on getting my routine down pat, he said it didn't even seem to faze me anymore. To be honest I hate getting out of bed in the morning as I know what is coming but it's my new life for now, I just keep telling myself "you are half way there, you can eat all the chocolate you want once this is over I promise!"  Being positive is not always easy, but at the end of the day I realize it's only 10 months, good or bad it will come to and end! What a good end it will be!

   Okay on to the real reason I am talking about my life. I normally clean every day. I have now try to cut my cleaning hours back to only working twice a week . My body just cannot keep up to what I mentally think I can handle. But as I am getting larger I am seeing how body size can effect a person's every day life. I by no means am a twig, I have curves and they have a little extra. But from my active work life and trying to fit into my jeans, I consider myself comfortable fit. Since becoming pregnant most of my new found weight has spread out well, but the majority has gone to my belly and my chest.  The amount of top weight that I am carrying is back breaking! I always stress to any ladies working for me that we have to hold our ab's in, maintain good posture, bend at the knee's, and stop twisting! I have been cleaning for the last five years, and yes I have come home with a sore back, from being lazy in the way I work or just working way to many hours for any sane person. As I get larger I am realizing how hard work can be when you are holding extra weight or just don't have the muscle to match.  So these are some things to work on.

Tips to help you out:

   Get a dusting wand! This is going to be the most helpful thing you can buy, I get mine at home sense. They are made out of llamas wool and have a very long wooden pole for getting a reach. I mostly use this for baseboards. The key is once you give your baseboards a good cleaning from then on its mostly dust. Keep your eye open for coffee spills and such, but other than that don't bend down, just run the wand along the board and dust away! If you must bend down please remember to bend your knees not your back!

   The other tip I have for you is while you are mopping or using the vacuum, suck those ab's in and do not swivel with the motion. Turn your whole body and keep your ab's engaged.  Keep your posture while doing all activity. Trust me it helps!

   Last of all, work on your ab's, sit ups, or I like to go swimming, it stretches out my whole body while I am building the muscle I need a the same time!

    I have a wonderful friend offering me maternity photo's as a baby gift! I am so very exited as I never thought I would have those done. So a little later in life I will be posting those for all to see!  

Thanks for reading! TTYL!