Tools of the trade-Cleaning house with stinky vinegar

Okay lets get right down to it. 

I am not a fan of the vinegar smell. However it is a great natural cleaner for your home. It can take hard water off of taps and glass like no one's business. 

When I am making all of my house hold cleaners, I make one called Vin+Oils. Really its half vinegar, half water, and 3-4 drops of a nice smelling essential oil. (I like the grapefruit or Orange for this as it blends well with the sour smell)

We use this product while cleaning your home. It is a deodorizer and a disinfectant and in my mind it is more of a bathroom cleaner, as I would rather not smell it all over the house, I think of this cleaner as my final touch. I wash down everything in the bathroom with either my Heavy Solution or my Mothers Choice.  When I go to polish I spray it down with the Vin+oils and dry it off to get that gleaming look- as it is all about first impressions!  If you have a tap that has thick hard water stains that have been on there for a long time, soak a cloth down with full strength vinegar, place it on the tap, and let it soak while you are cleaning the other areas. When you finish come and give the tap a scrub. If it's not easy let it soak for another 30 minutes and try again.  It's the best product to deal with those annoying hard water spots.

I am also a big fan of cleaning my floors with vinegar. Yes I know how I just went on about not liking the smell and how it is a bathroom cleaner Bla Bla Bla........ But I only use about 5 sprays into my mop and add a good amount of water and you can not smell the vinegar. Really, when cleaning your home you want things to be cleaned, but also sanitary, and I am not going to kill those germs with crazy chemicals so this is my best option. I still enjoy the 10 sec dropping food rule and if I have just used hot water who knows what came across the floor and when.

 ****CAREFUL**** When you are using vinegar you want to be careful as it is an acid based product. It can strip away the top coat off of any surface if it is not diluted. Wood and other surfaces have a finishing layer on them. You want it to stay that way! Do not forget to DILUTE the vinegar!

Random Tip: When cooking curry or a strong smelling food on the stove top. Try boiling a pot of water and a cap-full of  vinegar beside it. It absorbs in the odor while you are cooking and helps keep your house smelling like a home instead of a spice factory.

Okay, that is all I want to write about vinegar. Really, at the end of the day you can clean the whole house with just vinegar. It works well- just don't forget the oil and the water.

Best of luck! TTYL!