Fall cleaning 101

Finally, my favourite season!

Fall is just around the corner and the crisp air and changing colours bring an energy that’s ideal for some simple cleaning and maintenance projects around your home. These cleaning activities are best done with some music pumping, the doors and windows open, and dinner out at your favourite restaurant.

The list can be nearly limitless, so we’ve pared it down to a manageable yet effective number so as not to overwhelm. After all, Fall in the Okanagan is beautiful and there is plenty to do besides deep cleaning your home. We’ve listed a few areas in each of the major zones in your home to dive into below:


We’ll start in the kitchen - the heart of the home (and the home of the germs) - until they’ve encountered your germ-busting techniques.

  1. CABINETS - wash inside and out, replace liners if you use them, and organize/declutter.

  2. DISHWASHER – run an empty cycle with 1 cup of vinegar, remove and clean filter screen and thoroughly wipe inside, being careful to get into all of the crevices as well as seals.

  3. REFRIGERATOR – pull out from wall, wash and dry all sides and top, vacuum and wash floors and walls behind, and vacuum or wipe coils if appropriate. Clean and organize inside, dispose of any expired items.

  4. STOVE – clean oven. Pull out from wall, wash and dry all sides, vacuum and wash floors and walls behind.  Be very careful to not disturb any gas lines if you’re cooking with gas! Clean vent hood.

  5. SINKS – Pour ½ cup of Baking Soda down drain, followed by ½ cup of Vinegar.  Let sit and bubble for 1 hour, then pour 4 cups of boiling water down each drain.

And voila! You are now ready to bake some yummy treats or brew up some hot apple cider. Enjoy!


Even when you or your regular house cleaning service cleans your bathrooms every week, there are a few things that need to be done less often.

  1. SHOWER CURTAIN – wash curtain and/or replace liner.

  2. SHOWER HEAD – soak in container of vinegar for a couple of hours, then use a soft brush or scrubbie to remove all hard water buildup. 

  3. TILE - check tile grout and touch up if necessary

  4. TOILET – deep clean using a combination of castile soap and Borax to form a soapy paste.  Apply with a brush and let sit for 15-20 minutes.  Scrub all surfaces, rinse and dry thoroughly.

  5. FAN- Remove and clean vent

  6. DRAINS - use a baking soda and vinegar combo as in kitchen and again, follow with a boiling water rinse.


This is the perfect time to air out all bedding, linens and cushions!

  1. BEDDING — Wash all mattress covers, duvet covers and pillows. Rotate mattresses if necessary.

  2. CLOSETS — Time to put away those sun dresses and bring out your cozy sweaters.  Organize and declutter, donating all items you haven’t recently worn that are still in great condition.

Living Room: 

Our living rooms usually get a lot of use and over time may have a buildup of items which have been used once or twice, and then left on a shelf or under the end table.  There may also be some heavier furniture which is too heavy for your regular cleaning service to move by themselves.

  1. DECLUTTER — organize all shelves, cabinets and tables.  Return items to where they belong.

  2. UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE — take off all remove-able cushions, vacuum or launder the covers, and let them sit outside in the fresh air for a couple of hours.  Vacuum all reachable surfaces.

  3. FLOORING — Move each piece of heavy furniture, being careful not to scratch flooring, and wash carpets or hard flooring beneath.  It’s also a great time to rearrange some of the pieces you’ve been dying to try in a new spot.

  4. WOOD FURNITURE — dust and oil all wood surfaces, paying extra attention to any hard-to-reach areas.  Check for any necessary repairs.


These are things which can be found in different areas throughout your home and all require some special attention in the Spring and Fall.

  1. WINDOWS – the cooler weather is optimum for washing windows, inside and out.  Wash all sills and tracks as well.

  2. BLINDS & DRAPES – clean and/or wash all drapes and blinds.

  3. WALLS & CEILINGS – dust or wash, removing all cobwebs and spots.  Touch up paint if necessary.

  4. RUGS – vacuum, shampoo or launder all area rugs and put outside for a few hours to air out.  Shampoo all carpets.

  5. VENTS – remove and clean all wall and ceiling vents.

  6. CHIMNEYS – have your fireplace and chimney checked by a professional before the start of the colder winter season.

  7. DOORS – check all doors for weather stripping and ensure closures are in good condition.

Your home will feel spotless and sparkling for the upcoming holiday season, and you’ll enjoy hibernating with a good book so much better knowing your place is clean and safe.

Of course, if you need some extra support with all or a few of the chores listed, give us a call at Organic & Clean, our team of experts are always happy to help with your deep cleaning needs! All you need to do is cozy up once the hard part is done.