Tools of the trade-Your home cleaning schedule.


I would say 99% of the world would run screaming if I said this to them. This is not how we want to spend our lives! We are not maids, or slaves, or servants! Why should we do all the cleaning!!! Women now days especially feel this way because we are a generation of "DO IT ALLs"! We are told to get a job and make half of the income, be a Mom as this is a woman's purpose in life, be a Home Maker; because what good wife doesn't want to cook all the meals after she has worked the same hours as everyone else?

Don't get me wrong I love doing and being all these things. But I am lucky to have a husband that is more then happy to help. These things are a big priority and he wants them done too! But we don't always have the time, and to be honest, it's not always my top priority! If I am too busy, the cleaning can be pushed aside, I start to get stressed and life can just fall apart.

Of course there are people like me who are happy to be paid to do just that. I am a house cleaner, maid, or whatever you would like to call me. I want to make money doing all the things you hate to do. I like it! What an odd thing huh? Well I will admit the idea of cleaning your nasty toilet does not thrill me. But I do love the challenge of walking into someone's home and knowing I have full control to make it look like new. I love seeing peoples faces the first time they get the house cleaned. The relief and pure joy is placed smack in the middle of their face. They now have the time to do things like relax! Maybe even spend some time in their freshly cleaned bathtub! That's what I hope they do with the extra time. I like to think people are relaxing, now that they can see the floors, and the kitchen counter!!  I am saying all of this as I have had a house cleaner and this is how I felt at the time! Just pure bliss and then I can get on with the day hahahahaa!

I know it can be pricey to get your home cleaned every week so I think the average person prefers getting their house cleaned bi-weekly. I agree with the bi-weekly time frame if you are a person who can keep on top of the smaller messes that happen during the week. If you don't want to do any of that though, you should have someone come on a weekly basis. That way if you have company over they will think you are a killer home maker, a do it all Mamma, or Papa.

This is what I try and do at my house. I have never written a list out, so its more in general. Also I am better at it some weeks then others. Keep in mind I have a 2 bedroom 2 bathroom home.

Daily- Kitchen counters, kitchen floors, bathroom sinks and mirrors (just a quick polish after brushing your teeth), check the toilet, make the bed, put the laundry through and fold it as it comes out of dryer or same day. ( I do a lot of laundry, generally a load per day)

Monday -Main bathroom, 

Tuesday-Dusting and Floors 

Wednesday- Guest Bathroom

Thursday- Wash down Kitchen. Cupboards and all. Tomorrow is our garbage day. So take out all the garbage!!

Friday- Monthly and bi-weekly tasks

Saturday- Live life

Sunday- Live life

Every 2-3 weeks- strip and wash bedding

Monthly- do baseboards, blinds and window ledges (Space these out so they do not all land on the same Friday)


To make my life easier I do things like wipe out my fridge every time I get grocery's. That way its a quick ten minute job, not an hour of my life.

I wipe my stove top down after every meal(Okay maybe not every meal, but I try). If it has cooled before I am sitting for dinner I spray it down and let it soak for the next hour making it easy to wipe off (this does include the element you were using). I hate deep cleaning so why not just keep it up.

Of course this little house cleaning tip list does not talk about the deep cleaning as much. Pulling out sofas and organizing closets,  all the fun task's. I do those things when I have the time. If you are accomplishing the daily tasks the hope is you will have more time to do other things. Maybe once a month you will have to give up that extra free time and do a deep clean

Good luck!!

Thanks as always! TTYL!